On October 23rd we turn our attention from Ingathering, home and radical hospitality to begin an exploration of the secrets of life and death in both worship and adult religious education settings: How do we live life to the fullest? What happens to us when we die? What is our relationship with our ancestors? How can we affirm life when we are grieving? How do we live and love through death, and the lesser loses of aging, illness and trauma?
Sunday Worship
October 23rd - The Secret of Life - Rev. Jennifer
We begin w
ith a Partner Church Sunday exploration of living life to its fullest. This worship service will give you a chance to see and hear some of what happened at the Unitarian children's camp we c0-sponsored this past summer in Romania, and after the service you can put your faith into action by signing up to provide all or part of an educational scholarship for one of the children in our Partner Village of Gyepes, Romania

October 30 - Ancestor Sunday with Kate Connelley
November 6 - Death & Lesser Losses - Rev. Jennifer and Ken Nye
Join Rev. Jennifer in a service she's prepared with congregant Ken Nye to explore illness, aging and loss.
Religious Exploration for Adults
What if I don't know what to believe?
Join Rev. Jennifer and guest speaker Jane Mullen on three evening explorations of aging, end-of-life issues and death.
November 8, 9 & 15th
**Please register by Friday, November 4th by contacting Joan Guild at joan@guilds.net
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