Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Currents - Fall 2015

Blessed are you who know that the work of the church is transformation of society, who have a vision of Beloved Community transcending the present, and who do not shrink from controversy, sacrifice or change. Blessed are you indeed. - John Buehrens

As I've said many a time, religion is our response to the reality of paradox. So, stay where you are - stay on the beach, in the garden, hiding out from the heat in the movie theater with the kids (I'll see you there), on the boat, or visiting at your mom's house.  I hope you are having a truly wonderful summer. But....AND, also remember that Ingathering Sunday is on its way - Sunday, September 13th - and I can't wait to see you, and all your loved ones, and all you friends, there, ready to give yourself time for deep conversation, quiet reflection, meditation, prayer, and the peace and beauty of the inner and outer space that is First U. 

I've been on study weeks, trying to dive into the joys, challenges, and sometimes frankly horrifying frustrations of our nation, and our beautiful, hopeful, hurting world.  As is our tradition, here are some of the titles that I've been reading, and videos I've been watching...Not everything, but a preview of the resources and wonderings upon which our new preaching and teaching year will be built.  And speaking of the new year - check out and prepare to "follow" our new Worship Program blog: The Antidote.  Once church starts we begin with the theme of Voices in "Big Conversations" and there will be plenty to read, remember and follow-up on as we go. You can also join our Facebook page to stay in the know about not only preaching and teaching, but every fun chance to get together, get to know one another, put our Faith into Action, and make our buildings and grounds Flexible, Accessible and Beautiful - a top goal of our church year.

With all of you, I believe in the Beloved Community, and believe in the hope of the present, and our combined resources toward the good. I look forward to seeing you soon - Rev. J

hands down required reading -
Between the World and Me
by Ta-Nehisi Coates. I have not read The Beautiful Struggle yet - but, I will!

the academic and awesome -
Fields of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence by Karen Armstrong

UU specific -
The Cathedral of the World

and fiction that really enlightens and informs -
The Red Pencil
A Long Walk to Water
The Book of Unknown Americans
The Invention of Wings

In exploring our new social justice initiative to know and serve New Mainers I was told by the folks at Opportunity Alliance not to miss the movie The Good Lie We'll have a showing of it at church this year.

Worth watching at home -
We Should All Be Feminists - and her novels are awesome, too!
and both tough and funny from The Daily Show... Spot the Africa

9:30 am - Religious Education
"Unitarian Universalists are called to converse, not convert"
Explore our preaching and teaching themes through games, activities, small group work as well as large group discussions. Make friends, flex your spiritual muscles, be challenged and comforted, and have fun!
Meet with their RE Teachers in a class from PreK - 1st or 2nd - 4th grade (5th graders welcome as well)
Meet with Rev. Jennifer or our guest presenter in the Gathering Room

10:30 am - Worship
Worship services held in our beautiful Sanctuary focus on story,  myth, music, inspirational texts from many traditions, meditation, prayer and the need for both peace and wonder in our lives. Children stay with the adults through the Offering, then proceed to their own Children's Chapel space to finish the worship journey in their own language and time.
"Time to remember how fragile life is and how precious love must therefore be. Time to seize every opportunity we are given to offer thanks, to celebrate, to serve, hope and love."

11:30 am - Fellowship and Faith In Action
"We test our faith by deeds, not creeds."
At our coffee hour we provide a chance each week to engage our social justice program directly and put your Faith In Action. Activities are inclusive of all ages and contribute to our Partnerships locally and abroad.
Please see our Faith In Action at First U, Yarmouth guide for more information.
All quotes from the Rev. Forrest Church The Cathedral of the World

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